Friday, January 2, 2009


by Johnnie Carrier; Edited by Glenn Drohan

"Funny, I thought I'd die laughing" John Adams (second President of the United States)

"This guy's sense of humor kills me" John Dillinger (shot while exiting a theatre)

"Buy this book or the terrorists win" George K. Bush (gas station attendant)

This collection of autobiographical short essays is truly funny. Hilarious! Poignant! Satirical! It will make your bathroom the envy of every man, woman, and child in the nation.

About the Author
Johnnie Carrier resides with his wife, Dawn, and son, David, in the beautiful Western Massachusetts city of North Adams. Undereducated and under-financed, Carrier finds himself living the All-American blue collar dream, which includes shopping the no-name food aisle at the neighborhood market. He loves short walks to the refrigerator, cars that start, and longs to be elected governor of Florida because it's the only way he could afford to get away from these cold New England winters. He can be read bi-weekly in the North Adams Transcript or at (2008, paperback, 82 pages)

Take My Life...Please! (e-book)

This book is also available for download as an E-Book in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format. Get the same great book to read on your computer or PDA! It's less expensive and it saves paper!


  1. Hey Johnnie

    I bought your damn book.I heard about it from a mutual friend a few weeks ago and, although I was determined not to buy it, I gave in to temptation this morning and ordered it. I'm quite sure that your hysterical yet inappropriate sense of humor is better left in my past, but I plan to read the book anyway. I am half way through my Master's program in counseling psychology @ Russell Sage and rarely have time to read for pleasure but I'm hoping to get to the book during Spring break in March. Yup, that's right. If all goes well, I will be the licensed hypocrite handing out diagnoses and billing insurance companies for my wisdom. This weekend I will be reading case studies in an academic attempt to determine psychotic pathologies. I figure that, since I'm already certain that you are completely insane, your book should prove to be a welcome reprieve for me. I will also admit to buying the Transcript on occassion to read your column. I want to extend my condolences about your dad even though it is much after the fact. I came across the archived obit in the Troy Record during the course of a research project last semester.
    Congrats on your modest yet impressive notoriety. To this day, you still inspire me to pursue ambitions. Thanks
    P.S...I hate New Year's too. This year at midnight, Nicole called me from Charlotte, NC to kiss me over the phone....I cried like a baby for a half hour then vomitted apple martinis all over Steve. I liked your reference to the Dan Fogelberg song in your blog.It is, by far, the best wrist cutting song ever!!!!! I have it on my iPod followed by a blue grass tune. Gotta be happy when bluegrass is playing right?

    Take Care,


  2. Hey thanks for buying the book. I really hope you enjoy it. I think you will. Russell Sage? WOW! I used to party there! I attened Sage College in Albany and would bother the RSC students at the library. I know that doesn't sound like me but it was a long time ago. I know the area well.
    Glad to hear that you are getting your masters. Next I'll have to call you Dr. MAC
    Be good-behave study hard-and remember, the life you save could be mine! Oh by the way...Happy Valentines Day.
